
Archive for the ‘Eagles’ Category

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On a trip up the snow mountain one sunny day , we spotted a young bold eagle flying freely on the windy clear blue sky.

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Suddenly, another eagle appeared and joined the bird gliding through the floating clouds.

Love must be in the fresh mountain air!

The spiral and courting dance by the eagles look like an acrobatic dance in the sky, very mesmerizing!

The images of the spectacular air show put out by the flying eagles circling the big blue sky were so vivid in the mind of my artist friend that she just have to paint the memory.

Encountering eagles flying in the sky often delight me and remind me of God who renews mind and strengthens our spirit.

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High View of God

Whenever i encountered eagles i would think of God
for He loves to use eagles as metaphor
to remind us of His deep relationship with us

there are more than 20 references on eagles in the Bible
and the following is one of my favorites from Deuteronomy 32
talking about He will never let go of His children.

10 In a desert land he found him,
   in a barren and howling waste.
He shielded him and cared for him;
   he guarded him as the apple of his eye,
11 like an eagle that stirs up its nest
   and hovers over its young,
that spreads its wings to catch them
   and carries them aloft.
12 The LORD alone led him;
   no foreign god was with him…

the following is a sharing by one of my guest-bloggers, Legolady888, on her recent intimate encounter with the Almighty God


Praise be to God who is our Provider and Redeemer! He never fails to provide for all of our needs as our lives are a testimony of it. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What a relief!!

Yesterday, i spent the day in the hospital for a surgery. I had heavy menstrual flow for many years now and only recently that it has gotten much worst so i decided to see the doc about this. She referred me to a gyne and i met her for the first time two days ago. She was very thorough for she spent an hour talking and examining me. After examination, she realized that the fibroid that causes the heavy bleeding was already out of the uterus making its way down my vagina so she decided to cut it out. I was really surprised that the surgery can be arranged so fast. as we all know our Canadian medical services most popular word is WAIT.  Even my friends were surprised. This could only be God’s provision.

I was in the hospital by 10am. Initially the doc wanted to keep me for a night as my hemogoblin was at a low of 70, normal was a 100 and higher, low of 60 would require blood transfusion; but the surgery went very well and not much blood was lost so i was kicked out by 2:30pm. I thought an overnight stay would be great but God knows better. I really don’t need the headache.

Throughout this whole procedure God’s peace was ever with me. I know i am not alone, He is with me. Studying the book of Isaiah has helped me to have a higher view of God. He is huge, vast, incomparable.

For “He has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand” Isaiah 40:12;
and “Nations are like a drop in a bucket” Isaiah 40:15;
“He stretches out the heavens like a canopy” Isaiah 40:22;
and “Heaven is His throne and the earth is His footstool. His hand had made all these things, and so they came into being” Isaiah 66:1-2.


It boggles my mind to think that such a huge, big God would even care for the little details of my lives. The only explanation I could think of is His great, enduring love for me.  I am doing well now. slept too much during the day as i had anaesthesia.

*majectic eagle pictures  taken by Mr. Brian Tam on April 2011 during eagles’ nesting season.

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